Managed Firewalls

Businesses Need ‘Managed Firewalls’ for Long-Term Protection

Firewalls are essential for protecting your business and are only as effective as the people managing them.
While a robust firewall solution may possess all the necessary security features, for long-term protection and optimal performance, businesses require Managed Firewall services.
Our comprehensive offering ensures that your firewall functions as intended: mitigating risks posed by malicious entities targeting your organization.
By entrusting your firewall management to our team of cyber security experts, you unlock the full potential of your security infrastructure. We possess the skills and knowledge needed to proactively handle evolving threats, deliver tailored configurations, and provide round-the-clock support.

Hands On Security Experts

Hands On Security Experts

Efficient Implementation

Efficient Implementation

Quality Analysis & Reporting

Quality Analysis & Reporting

Competitively Priced

Competitively Priced

It’s Not All ‘Plug and Play’: Security Experts Provide Tailored Solutions

Firewalls were not built as plug and play devices. It’s unrealistic to believe you can just set one up, install it on your network perimeter, and hope it does its job without any human management or expertise.
Firewall management requires a significant level of expertise and consistent monitoring. The process of purchasing and setting up the firewall is only the first step in an ongoing requirement to keep your business safe for the long term.

Velocity’s Managed Firewall solutions include

Why Choose Velocity?

We have customised Managed Firewall solutions for businesses at every stage of growth, and to meet certain regulatory requirements. Contact us for a free consultation and pricing.

What Clients Say

Your business is our business

We’ll invest in getting to know you, so please drop us a line on how we can help. One of our experts will get back to you promptly for a free consultation.